Message from President

We will contribute to society as a stainless steel and titanium
distributor trusted and relied on by business partners.

President Masanori Hidetaka

Since 1955 when the company was established as Yuji & Co., we at UEX have been contributing to the industrial world as a stainless steel and titanium distributor. In January this year, we celebrated our 70th anniversary since our establishment. We are sincerely grateful to all our customers, partners, and stakeholders for the support and patronage that allowed us to reach this milestone.

The stainless steel industry has experienced a range of conditions over the years. Early on, there was a period of high economic growth along with a period of rapid expansion. Later, after passing through the bubble crisis of the early 1990s, the industry reached maturity, with production volumes in recent years showing a declining trend. Meanwhile, accelerating technological innovation in the industrial world is said to be also transforming social structures and our very environment. The demand structure for stainless steel is also undergoing significant change. While demand may decline in certain fields, new applications for this exceptional material are expected to emerge.

At UEX, we constantly study such economic and social changes so that we can focus on new application development in partnership with manufacturers going forward and respond swiftly and accurately to market trends. Furthermore, we aim to strengthen our solutions functions, to ensure they are grounded in our customers’ needs. While raising our corporate value as a core supplier of national strategic materials for use in the fields of semiconductors, decarbonization and building national resilience, we are working to further strengthen compliance-minded management while carrying out corporate activities with the utmost attention to legal compliance and ethical conduct.

We are grateful for the ongoing cooperation and support from our customers, partners, and stakeholders, without which our goals would be impossible to achieve.

UEX, Ltd.
Masanori Hidetaka